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Release version 2.2.4b1

Benedikt Grosch requested to merge development into master


  • NSGA2 reward and actions buffers only represented solutions in the offspring generation.
  • When calling arbitrary functions in a julia environment, they would not resolve correclty.
  • Update mypy config to be equivalent to gitlab pipelines.
  • Configured flake8 to work correctly with gitlab pipelines and code quality checks in merge requests.
  • Fix stable_baselines3 version to below v2.
  • Implement hotfix for installing old gym version 0.21 which is compatible with stable_baselines3 <2.
  • Fixed incorrect resampler calls for dataframes in timeseries module.
  • Fixed problems during NSGA2 solution evaluation.

New Features

  • Enable access to NSGA2 fronts.
  • Enable external usage of environment and model in eta_x.
  • Enable ju_extensions logging.
  • Added connector for Cumulocity.
Edited by Benedikt Grosch

Merge request reports