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Bugfixes and ensuring deployment with stable_baselines1.8 works correctly

Benedikt Grosch requested to merge fix_installation into development

Closes #199 (closed) , #197 (closed), #159 (closed)

Breaking Changes:

New Features:

  • Added additional checks to the pipelines to ensure new versions cannot be pushed to pypi while the documentation build fails.


  • Fixed a bug in deep_mapping_update which prevented loading some network architectures from the configuration.
  • Switched back to gym==0.21 and added documentation to aid with the installation process.
  • Fixed readthedocs configuration and added julia to the environment to ensure that the entire documentation will be built - up to now it was missing some julia-dependent parts.
  • Fixed a bug where the documentation could not be built when julia was installed but pyjulia was built for a different virtual environment. Now the julia installation will not interfere with the documentation build process anymore.
  • Updated pre-commit and pipeline (linting) dependencies.
  • Changed configuration for test_learning to make it at least a little bit faster.
Edited by Benedikt Grosch

Merge request reports