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Release version 2.2.1b1

Benedikt Grosch requested to merge development into master
  • Adjust version of stable_baselines3 due to breaking changes in Version 1.6.0
  • Fix incorrect error message when OPC UA login data is invalid
  • Improve value handling in subscription handlers (write_interval now behaves correctly)
  • Improve node creation process using OPC UA server and connector (now supports children of the object node)
  • Move documentation to readthedocs
  • Improve retry handling in the modbus and opc ua subscriptions - avoid sending connection retry requests too often, when servers are down
  • Fixed handling of different data types by the modbus connection (conversion of values other than float should now work correctly).
  • Add Modbus server
  • Add start and stop methods to the OPC UA server
  • Fix modbus error handling which threw type errors before due to incorrect function call
  • Restructure and improve tests, especially for connectors
  • Fix many other small issues affecting nodes and connectors

Merge request reports